Wednesday, June 13, 2018

I did it in ten different languages for cunts

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in another language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a third language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a fourth language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a fifth language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a sixth language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a seventh language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a eighth language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a ninth language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a tenth language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

Joseph Ratzinger resigned for me. John Key resigned for me. Matteo Renzi resigned for me. David Cameron resigned for me.

Your Branding My Brands With Incompetence.

Mesa thank you for not sharing your "accidental" torture with me "accidentally". My injuries would not like to thank you for shooting me in my injuries four times as soon as I tried to photograph my injuries from a very obvious Mesa Police assault on me june tenth when I was assaulted after correctly publishing the epicenter for March 11, 2011 Revelation 11 forty billion dollars paid insured losses one day jorge ten days after that Mesa Police failed attempt to commit me mario for stating that I had successfully predicted some earthquakes online and tortured me on purpose with the third degree burns that had to be cut off a third of my body or I would die with these injuries I sustained while in a four point restraint in Mesa, Arizona no lie in custody and four pointed with proof so secure in fact that proof took subjecting me to third degree burns that I would not budge one bit not one man woman or child could sustain the injuries without being secure with burn pictures that I put on twitter that pope benedict did quit  for I was refused the incarceration for having giant blisters over that missing pieces of pizza at the waterpark when they served the wrong pizza pie to my table you crooks before police putting permanent pizza placement on my pectoral on purpose and this the couple hours with literal melon size blisters before I was shot in them blisters again and again and again and again then shot in my injuries four times for photographing my injuries blisters the size of pamela anderson's tit popped before investigators who didn't see drive by on me or that getaway that got away or the cops that took me out on the side of a cop car that day june tenth burned my tits off four pointed fully saw me sporting a desert vista photo identification wristband that proved they knew who I was when they lied about that specifically when I was arrested a week before my being then arrested and four pointed again just a week later with these burns again four pointed this time all night without any charges or right specifically while they cut this evidence off of me and destroyed it while waterboarding my watergate a week after the waterpark on Father's Day in Sun City with my hot tittie the night of the hobo boo hoo haboob youtube june seventeen know what I mean I'll drink to that cup of piss for the City formerly known as Mesa. This is one of the twelve "i smashed a cop" tweets I sent the proper authorities before firing James Comey on the record May 9th 2017 at 1:30 pm Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Keelan S. Bodow "i fired comey at you" during my work furlough hours out at Tent City I fired Comey at you pretty nitty where was that month I was publicly demanding and on every MCSO page that I made the Pope retire! and if Sheriff Joe Arpaio didn't come make my bunk he couldn't be sheriff any more on about fifty published occasions like estrella jail facebook page lower buckeye jail facebook page the towers facebook page etc. Mesa thank you for torturing "'accidentally" I have no felonies for over 18 years no misdemeanors either except one no contest for saying I made the Pope retire too loud at church eight days with no glasses maximum security legally blind time served and of my competence you are no contest. Your branding my brands with incompetence is why every nation will change their name. Write down the name of yours right now so I can tell you I told you so somewhere else.

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in another language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a third language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a fourth language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a fifth language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a sixth language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a seventh language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a eighth language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a ninth language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest

With this tweet I correctly forecast the single costliest natural disaster ever world wide in great detail and by epicenter specifically in a tenth language before it reportedly cost insurance companies forty billion dollars #costliest


Christopher Michael Simpson